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Writer's pictureSteven Soares

Developing Individuals in a Group Coaching Setting

A challenge for organizations and for its leaders is to address complex problems while fostering innovation and creativity in employees (Jaiswal & Dhar, 2015). The stylistic approach of transformational leadership provides perhaps the best opportunity to create this climate to exert creative behavior (Jaiswal & Dhar, 2015). In fact, the unique challenge is to actively address individual motivations while creating a group that is supportive of innovation. This action would promote employee innovation performance and in turn produce team effectiveness in innovation performance (Chen, Farh, Campell-Bush, Wu, & Wu, 2013). When viewed closer within the team unit, positive commentary within groups has a positive effect on the exchanging of advice, however when disagreement sets in, the window of openness begins to close (Van Woerkom & Sanders, 2010). This exchange when positive, does have a positive effect on individual member performance (Van Woerkom & Sanders, 2010). The challenge then for managers in developing individuals in a group coaching setting is to take proper measure to ensure disagreements within the team is limited as you work to enhance the team as a collective unit (Van Woerkom & Sanders, 2010).References

Chen, G., Farh, J.L., Campell-Bush, E.M., Wu, Z., Wu, X. (2013). Teams as innovative systems: multilevel motivational antecedents of innovation in R&D teams. J. Appl. Psychol., 98 (6) (2013), pp. 1018–1027

Jaiswal, N. K., & Dhar, R. L. (2015). Transformational leadership, innovation climate, creative self-efficacy and employee creativity: A multilevel study. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 30-41.

Van Woerkom, M., & Sanders, K. (2010). The romance of learning from disagreement. The effect of cohesiveness and disagreement on knowledge sharing behavior and individual performance within teams. Journal of business and psychology, 25(1), 139-149.

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